móduloC1 - Cambridge School of Languages
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En este nivel aprenderás a: Comprender una amplia gama de textos exigentes y largos, y reconocer el significado implícito. Expresarte con fluidez y espontaneidad sin una búsqueda obvia de expresiones.


  • Use auxiliary verbs, to, one, and ones to avoid repeating words and phrases
  • Add information to nouns with different types of expressions
  • Use two-part conjunctions like either . . . or to combine ideas
  • Use participle clauses to link events and add information about time or reason
  • Add emphasis with so . . . that, such . . . that, even, and only
  • Use future perfect forms to talk about the past in the future
  • Use prepositions and prepositional phrases to combine ideas
  • Use adverbs with continuous and perfect forms of the passive
  • Use past modals with the passive
  • Use relative clauses that begin with pronouns or prepositions
  • Use some, any, other, others, and another to refer to people and things

En este nivel aprenderás a: Utilizar el lenguaje de manera flexible y efectiva para fines sociales, académicos y profesionales. Producir texto claro, bien estructurado y detallado sobre temas complejos, que muestre el uso controlado de patrones organizacionales, conectores y dispositivos cohesivos.


  • Use conditional sentences without if to hypothesize
  • Use wh-clauses as subjects and objects
  • Use the perfect infinitive to refer to past time
  • Use cleft sentences beginning with It to focus on certain nouns, phrases, and clauses
  • Use -ever words in talking about unknown people or things
  • Use negative adverbs (never, not only) + inversion to start a sentence for emphasis
  • Use continuous infinitive forms to report events in progress
  • Use the subjunctive to describe what should happen, what is important, and to refer to demands and recommendations
  • Use “be to” to refer to fixed or hypothetical future events
  • Use passive verb complements
  • Use objects + -ing forms after prepositions and verbs
  • Use reflexive pronouns — including to add emphasis — and each other / one another