En este nivel aprenderás a:
Describir planes, hábitos y rutinas, actividades pasadas y experiencias personales.
Escribir una serie de frases y oraciones simples sobre tu familia, condiciones de vida, antecedentes educativos y sobre trabajo actual o más reciente.
Comprender y extraer información esencial de pasajes no complejos que se escuchen en tu medio cercano dichos lenta y claramente.
Usar una idea general de textos cortos y expresiones sobre temas cotidianos para derivar el significado probable de palabras desconocidas del contexto.
- Adjectives vs. manner adverbs
- Adverbs before adjectives and adverbs
- Adjective prefixes
- Present perfect statements
- Present perfect and simple past questions and answers
- Superlatives
- Questions with How + adjective . . . ?
- Verbs let, make, help, have, get, want, ask, and tell • Used to and would
- Review of countable and uncountable nouns
- Quantifiers a little, a few, very little, and very few
- Too, too much, too many, and enough
- The future with will, be going to, the present continuous, and the simple present
- Use had better, ought to, and might to say what’s advisable
- Use have to and going to have to to say what’s necessary
- Use would rather to say what’s preferable